one faith
many expressions
We keep the main thing, the main thing: worshiping God in Spirit and in truth. What this means for us is that we honor both traditional sensibilities and contemporary worship in our Combined Service @10am. Our Celebrate Recovery service begins with a contemporary style worship and our Hero Starts With Her service also has a contemporary flavor.
Traditional aspects in our service are Responsive Readings to prepare our hearts, singing a hymn from our hymnal, and reciting our Affirmation of Faith together. The children are then invited to go to Kid's Church with our staff. Next, we hear prayer requests from the congregation and pray for each other corporately, which we end in our Lord's Prayer. Offering follows, with an offering song. The sermon is delivered next, and we meditate on God's word together. Finally, we are sent out with a benediction and a the song "Till We Meet Again".
Contemporary aspects in our service start off with a high-energy offering to the Lord in song by our band and singers. The sermon is next and goes into the offering, with an offering song. Finally, a wrap up of the message and announcements end the service. Every service is always live-streamed on our YouTube channel!